Kosovo Secession

The whole Kosovo situation is kinda interesting, IMO. Both because of the particulars, and the interesting international "law" ramifications.

First, the particulars. In a surprise to nobody, each country had on opinion which was entirely reflective of their own political situation and what would benefit them the most in reference to it, and 0% reflective of what would be best for the world in general. This should serve as a good example of why the UN is doomed to failure: every country does what best for their own political situation, always, and not what's best for the world.

- China condemned it because of Taiwan
- Russia condemned it because of Georgia separatists
- Spain condemned it because of their separatist movement
- The US welcomed it because of their strategy in Afganistan/Iraq/elsewhere
- Several UK countries welcomed it because they are in NATO and have been defending its independence already
- etc.

Now, the more interesting longer-term question: when, and how, should groups or people and/or areas of countries be able to declare their independence, and be recognized as new countries? It seems to be a pretty legally vague area of the legally vague to begin with area of international law. I would think there should be a way to do it, since governments are supposed to serve their people, and clearly there are times when governments do not serve a sect of their people at all (if not all their people). But obviously if groups of people were allowed to split off and form new countries whenever their government didn't support their needs, we'd have thousands of independent countries in the US alone, not to mention the rest of the world divided along religious lines, which doesn't seem optimal.

I dunno what the right answer is, or if there is even one. But it's a very interesting situation.


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