Why I Hate Obama-speak

Every time Obama speaks, it aggravates me. It's not because of his method of speaking or speech itself: he's a great public speaker who's clear, eloquent, and polished. It's also not because he uses a teleprompter obsessively, is very good at not straying from whatever canned message or pitch has been written for him, and dodges answering any probing questions with real information: most politicians have perfected these arts, and they have become so ingrained in our political process that they are as expected as they are unhelpful in conveying actual information. It's obviously also not because he lies: most politicians lie, usually very well, and Obama can state even laughable, preposterous fallacies without even breaking stride, but again, that's expected, normal, and uniform in today's politicians. No, none of these things are the reason Obama's speeches really get to me.

See, Obama comes across as a smart guy, and every once in a while you get a semi unscripted remark which seems to imply an understanding of what's actually going on, or what the actual correct course of action would be. Then, in his speeches, you get peppered remarks targeted directly at his detractors and their objections, assuring the American public that Obama stands for things which would actually be good for the country (smaller government, private industry, freedom from government control) which he is clearly and obviously opposed to in his actions. Then, behind these statements, he very clearly and methodically advances his own agenda, seemingly entirely disjointed from his statements and personal observations and insights. This is why I really hate his dishonesty, while the dishonesty of his predecessors and colleges is more tolerable.

Take, for example, today's GM announcement. In it, Obama stated the government would back GM warranties, the current leadership is being removed and replaced with government leadership, contracts will be renegotiated, and the government will preserve the US auto industry (by implication, GM) at any cost. Then, in the same speech, he assured the American people that the government has no interest in running GM, and shouldn't be running private businesses! In the same speech! Now, obviously the second part is correct: it would likely be an unmitigated disaster having the government trying to run GM while wasting billions every month in perpetuity, and the government absolutely should not be running private businesses in a non-socialist country. However, it's equally obvious that that's exactly what is happening, it's exactly what they just announced, and you've have to be a brain-dead moron to see that's not exactly what the Obama administration is doing with multiple industries: banking, auto, energy, etc, etc, etc. It's the gall of saying something which is blatantly false, and just inserted into the speech to counter critics, while at the same time doing the exact opposite thing in plain sight, which is just like a slap in the face to every thinking person in the entire country.

You can see the same pattern in most of Obama's speeches, from banking regulation, to foreign policy, to bailouts, to social policy initiatives. Over and over, it's "pay attention to what I'm saying not what I'm doing, and don't think about it." It's insulting, it's aggravating, it's arguably fundamentally more dangerous to America than any other threats, foreign or domestic, and it's why I despise Obama-speak more than that any other politician.


  1. Boy you are right Nick, you have a real way with words. Awesome blog....

  2. Thanks; your blog is well-done as well. :)

  3. You hit it on the head. Obama consistently talks a good game but then proceeds to do exactly the OPPOSITE. So disingenuous!!!

  4. Thanks; your blog is well-done as well

  5. Yes, I agree with your analysis. However, I don't like the way he speaks, gives speeches or uses the teleprompter. Also, I don't think his orator skills are eloquent either, but thats just me.

  6. I like your blog and I share your disgust.
    I’m sick and tired of b.husein obama and his empty- headed supporters.
    It is time to wise-up and stop him NOW. God help us all!

  7. anyone remember the "Manchurian candidate" Keep yours eye's open folks. With his actions and the people he has known, lookout!


  9. It's easy to talk of "smaller government" and "freedom from government control" but it fails to acknowledge that people are greedy. They are in it for themselves and out to make a buck at the expense of morality in many cases.

    Small government leads to big mistakes when greed is allowed to run amok in large groups of people. If this isn't evident to you from the current recession, it never will be. Obama at least understands that behavior must be controlled in large societies; something Libertarians refuse to accept. For example, they think nature can be pillaged indefinitely without consequences like AGW. They ignore scientific evidence when it cramps their style.

    Most people still don't understand that nature and limited resources keep them alive, not dollars or credit memos. You can't expand debt indefinitely without consequences. Our entire debt-based economy is assumed to be natural but there's nothing like it in nature.

    Growth economies have no inherent balance, just growth for the sake of debt repayment. It's the biggest Ponzi scheme of all. The role of government should be to enforce physical and financial limits to growth on a finite planet full of ignorant people.

  10. E.A.:

    Your argument is fundamentally flawed: on the one hand you argue that human greed will cause people to never act for the greater good than their own short-term self-interest, yet on the other hand you argue that people in government can/will be able to act in that exact same way. It's a contradictory argument: if people cannot act that way, than government also will undermine long-term interest for short-term selfish gain (in this case, political interests). If people can act for greater long-term interests, than a large government system will be no more likely to achieve that result than a system which aligns self-interest with greater good.

    Most people don't understand most of how the world works, and tend to generalize subjective platitudes into arguments which serve their own short-term self-interest. Unfortunately, some of these same people tend to confuse scientific evidence with populist rhetoric and disputed scientific theories, to the detriment of the society as a whole. I too might concur that in an ideal world, the people who do comprehensibly understand the sociological and economic machinations, and can be trusted to act with humanity's long-term interest in mind, would be better for running the world than ad-hoc popularity contests among party figureheads, but seeing as there is no practical way to achieve or maintain that state, I'd prefer one of enlightened self-interest and freedom. That's just my opinion, though.

    Thanks for stopping by. :)

  11. I really don't think he's such a great speaker. He pauses like a history teacher, to give you time to take notes. I guess that's so his party can follow the bouncing ball and not fall behind.

    I have not seen him do anything right yet. So far, he's perfect in that way.

  12. Your right I can't stand the man.. Don't like him or his policies..I hope we can do better next election...If he dosn't get acorn to fix the like last time....

  13. Obama is leading the country into socialism. Nobody seems to notice. Americans need to protest. Remember the million man march. We need a 2 million american march in DC. As soon as possible. Maybe the news will pay attention.

  14. Obama drives me crazy. Why didn't we listen when we knew he associated himself with Radical people such as his preacher and Bill Ayers. Obama is a radical! That is so, so scary. He is so egotistical it makes me want to puke. I hate how the left wing media and Hollywood romaticize Obama and his family and report on the most pathetic things. There is only one thing Obama seems to do that makes him somewhat human and likeable and that is smoke. It's horrible, but that makes him not so high and mighty in my eyes. But if he was a republican president who smoked health groups and the like would be all over him like flies on shit!

  15. I was forced to watch CNN during the whole election process because we were on the road working and living out of hotels so I didn't have as choice (No fox news). So it's not that I don't know how things are reported through CNN. Political-wise it is so completely different than fox. I truly believe fox is fair and balanced. I love Bill Oreilly-he is the fairest of all the anchors. I don't know why people hate him so bad. He does not report from the complete right-he is totally unbiased. He is just agressive and I think that may be why people are rubbed the wrong way by him. I love Shawn Hannity too-but he reports and you can tell he is livid with Obama all the time. But very right!! He tells it like it is and for us fellow angry at Obama people he gets your anger boiling even more. Glen Beck is hilarious when he reports and very intelligent in pointing out real issues and finishes with how we should change what is going on. I love my country, come from a huge military family..But I do want Obama to fail and I want it to be rubbed in the Media's and Hollywood's high and mighty's faces!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. It is sad so many people simply cannot go to the Doctor. There are many, many sad things in this world-simply people just can't fix. But how in the hell do people think we can have universal health care in this country. I am nurse--it will never work!! It will be a total disaster. That is knowing from the inside--on the outside one just needs to know the facts--other country's national healthcare programs have completely failed. Isn't that enough? And they don't carry nearly as much debt as we do. I cannot believe the power trips politicians are on..they are so far removed from the normal world they just don't have a clue.

  17. Yes--and they have the best healthcare policies one can have--must be nice.

  18. I love this websight. Isn't there any way the computer geniouses out there can spam the hell out of people'd mailboxes with this stuff written on this sight?

  19. Hollywood A-hole's make my blood boil. Just because they can act(completely fantasy tv and movies) they think that somehow their opinions are opinions of God himself--they need to stick with what they do best--spend money and tear down basic morals and values that are the foundation of this country. I cannot even force myself to watch so many what would be a good movie to watch because that particular person is in it. Tney have completely ruined it for me. Hollywood needs to go back to how it use to be and shut the hell up.

  20. I agree. Hollywood people make my blood boil too. I agree with what they need to stick to what they do best-but I want to add a couple--Not appreciating what they have and the help and support they have and therefore kill themselves with drugs, divorcing and marrying like rabbits breed,feel sorry for themselves because people take their picture all the time and write about them in magazines while they live in such pure royalty thanks to the millions of American people who have made them rich. Poor Hollywood star, do you need a hug?

  21. They are American's too though and deserve the right to their own political opinions and enjoy that freedom. But you are right on the fact that they are completely concieted.

  22. If he doesn't completely destroy our country and everything we stand for in the process first, just no that he will never be re-elected. People ARE catching on to that bastard.

  23. We need an equal but completely opposite candidate to run against him. Question is who?

  24. we need to get together and start prepping someone to run against him..someone who actually cares about the people who make this country great..someone who has pride in our country and doesn't feel the need to make his rounds apologizing and embarassing us (I mean who the hell is he to do that???) He should be tried for being a trader or apologize to the American people. He should be impeached.

  25. He should be locked up at Gitmo (with a roommate!).

  26. No one should ive him a job until he is forced to make minimum wage and live in the projects.

  27. people need to stop bitching about him and actually do something about it. If enough people did that, we may have a chance yet.

  28. That is why I am attending Tea parties and getting involved. I am tired of yelling at the TV and not being able to sleep at night, nationalized health insurance scares me the most.

  29. Can you help me start to "do something about it" by giving me some ideas on how? I am living in a small town but am moving to Tampa to finish nursing school. Problem is, other than tv, you never here about people coming together over this. Nothing is ever in the newspaper. Matter fact, people don't even talk about it. I think that ist he problem. Do people truly not care? When did this country become so complacent? On fox, you will hear about people starting to stand up-but then you don't hear anything more. Time goes by and it's the same-meanwhile all hell is about to break loose!

  30. I completely agree! Whenever I hear Obama's speeches I am always left in awe, almost hypnotized and agreeing with everything he's ever said. Then I turn off the TV, really use my brain, analyze what he just said, and then freak out! I think to myself oh my gosh, that's crazy, that's terrible, I COMPLETELY DISAGREE!! I am terrified of Obama because millions of Americans don't think for themselves, and Obama is a very persuasive man....words = power.

  31. Finally, another smart person who hates Obama! :]

  32. I do everything I can to avoid listening to him speak. Yes, he may be able to have a good speech written but there is no follow through. He spends more time on TV so he can continue to tell himself how great he is.

  33. I hate Obama. I can't wait for him to mess up, because we all know he will, so that I can stand tall and proud and announce that I did NOT vote for this man. I think the problem with our country is the fact that most people are not intelligent enough to actually pay attention to the camapaigns and make an intelligent decision. These morons listen to Brad Pitt and that idiot Angelina Jolie and decide that if celebrities are voting for Obama then they will too. If these brain dead celebs want to fix our country maybe they should consider donating their outrageous salaries to get our country out of this debt, but we all know that they would never do that. They think just because they are living the high life means that they should share that wealth with the poor people of the country, well they should understand that the average citizen who works 40-60 hour weeks to enjoy the life style that they have doesn't want to pay for bums that refuse to work, or better yet illegal immigrants.
    What kills me the most about Obama and the people that voted for him, is that this man ran an entire campaign on the promise of change, but never once let any one know what this change was. He kept saying that he represents change and these morons that voted for him never bothered to question what kind of changes he had in mind. It's only after he's in office and threatening to ruin our country that people are starting to realize that his idea of change is to turn our America into a socialist country.

    I would love to know if there is anything that can be done about what this man is doing to our country. This Obamacare healthcare crap is starting to scare the hell out of me, and I wish there was something that could be done to stop it.

  34. I too hate Obama. We need to stand together against him. Nothing is going to change if we don't. Socialized healthcare is AWEFUL. I understand that it is very sad that there are people in this world--in our country--who aren't able to go to the doctor but LETS FACE IT there is hardly enough medical staff for those of us who do have insurance!! Much less those who don't!

  35. I don't hate Obama. He sure as hell isn't the greatest President, but he is a vast improvement from George W. Bush. At least he actually did SOMETHING. We've avoided depression at least, but not all of this success can be pinned on Obama, no more than the bank collapse in Semptember can be pinned on Bush.

    Do I think Universal Healthcare is a good idea? Not likely, no. After all,where is the money gonna come from? We've taken out enough loans already. I don't want our country to owe China any more debts than we already do.

    Some of these opinions are of educated, intelligent people that watch the news/read the newspaper. I respect your opinions.

    The rest... You only seem to hate Obama because he is a Democrat, or non Republican, and some of you, because he's BLACK. There. I said it.

    All I can say is if you hate people based on their race, take a good look in the mirror.

    And Democrat hating. All this stems from Fox News. Like their Liberal counterparts at MSNBC, they are hopelessly biased and unreliable.

    Its kind of sad that Jon Stewart, a comedian, is more reliable than either of those networks.

    I can't stand people that talk about "real America," or say things like "Obama's a terrorist, he's not a US citizen, we should take him out of office before he is too late..."

    Congratulations. All Fox has done is prove Obama is as human as the rest of us. Sure, he lies. All politicians lie. Comes with the job.

    What depresses and angers me is that people who would fiercly oppose Obama now FIERCLY supported Bush thru his countless blunders when in office. I'll wager you'll vote for Sarah Palin in 2012. She's hopelessly unqualified to lead, regardless of what Fox might tell u. She didn't even know what the BUSH DOCTRINE WAS!

    So, if you want to let Fox do your thinking for you, go for it. If you want to idolize blow hards like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck, narcissists like Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter, go for it.

    That goes for liberals too, hanging on every word of MSNBC. At least they have Morning Joe on, but the rest is trash.

    I think I speak for all moderate America when I say right wing nuts and left wing fanatics, leave the United States of America at once. You're not wanted here.

  36. cause hes trying to take America to his level

  37. Birds of a feather...you certainly seem to draw those of a hateful nature to your blog. I like your blog name, but wonder if you actually believe it...that you could be wrong. You look at Obama through the eyes, conditioning, and consciousness of a conservative. Nothing wrong with that, but do you realize how that colors your perception of everything he does and even what kind of person he is. You've never met the man, don't know his heart, his intentions, his sincerity, his vision for this country, yet you speak as though you do, based on your slanted political agenda. You, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and others, would love to see him fail, even if it means the downfall of this society, just so the pendulum could swing the other way, and the conservatives could take control again. Well, they didn't do such a great job in the last couple of terms...or can you admit that? I doubt it!

    Brother, you don't just hate Obama-speak, you hate Obama, and you hate liberals, and you hate, period. And hate never accomplishes anything good. Check out the tenents of any religion (except radical Islamic fundamentalism), and you will find that hatred is not considered a spiritual quality. Love, understanding, oneness, humility, kindness, compassion, brotherhood, cooperation...theses are the qualities we need to get this country back on its feet again, and build a better society. Consider this, friends, as you express your views for everyone to read...what will truly bring everyone together and foster unity, so we can be one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

  38. what this country needs is to get rid of a goverment that is getting them farther in debt
    and ruining the economy.
    a government that does not care for their people
    for their happiness, well been , and freedom.
    what good has obama done for the honest color man who put him there?
    and what good has he done for me?
    is there anyone who wishes to see america prosper, and not to prosper by robing her, who likes obama?
    i think not.
    obama can't do well, and he don't mean to.
    why is he there and
    how will america kick him out?
    back to his country?
    he is not even american.
    is everyone gonne totally blind?
    the only ones who like him are terrorists who are robing us
    and those arround him who get payed to protect him.
    they too need to leave the government.
    i have a right to wanna be happy.
    so please put a positive man there.

  39. I hate Obama too! I didn't vote for him, I knew where it would lead if he became the stupid president. Turning this country Socialism, more like Communism. He now force a Health care bill that the American people did not want, and we kept telling him we don't want it. And he keeps doing shading things to get his stupid bills to pass! Obama is a BULLSHITER, he promises a lot things, but he lies! He doesn't listen to the American people.

    And other thing how are we suppose to share the wealth when we ARE BROKE!!!!????? As a nation we cannot take care of everyone. People need to learn to take of themselves. The government is cheated by a lot lazy-ass people, that WE have to pay for!

    I don't like it how the government wants to control everything. We are not careful, this country will go communist and we won't have freedoms anymore. And other thing he is best friends with terrorist. Obama doesn't get it, that Terrorist do not want to be our friends, they want to hurt us! I can't wait for the next Election, I am going to vote HELL NO again for Obama.

    All the crap Obama does, I am not surprise someone hasn't shack him yet. They should, this country be better without him.


    Anyone says the Health care bill is a good idea think again. It may sound so nice, but you know that saying. If it sounds too good to be true, it isn't good for you. That Health Care bill will hurt us.

  40. i refuse to vote till i see a man(im female and said man on purpose) runing for off whose smile i can trust im almost 25 and i talked my dad when i was in school in voting against cliton and bush's first term he wasnt their for his 2nd term i had no respect or trust in canidates sence ive been able to vote and cliton, bush the 2nd and ombama's smiles were untrustworthy and i considered voting for mcain but one mega flaw palin (rolls eyes at all these ladies preteding to be republican a true republican lady would neva run) i also think anyone under 25 is young to truly understand politics therfore should not be able to vote. lately all it is is mud slinging i will vote when i trust a mans smile im not gona hold breath 4 mudslining to stop

  41. Since Obama took office I have seen the State of Illinois in dismay. Obama brags he reduces peoples taxes, but the price of inflation out out ways that. I lost my job under Obama and depleted everything. At 60 years old this isn't easy on me. Because my automobile was worth 7200.00 I disqualified for food stamps in 2009. However when I go to the local stores, I see people trying to sell their link cards to buy liquor, cigarettes, and lottery tickets. I see people driving in brand new cars, wearing their coach purses and using food stamps. Yes, I am white and yes some of them are white, mostly black. There have been days I was so depressed I hoped not to wake up. This is no way to live. Seeing myself homeless is worst then dying. The money spent on this election could of fed everyone in the United States at least one meal. Obama has destroyed my country. As far as killing Bin Laden he acts as if he was the Navy Seal himself. He wouldn't even drive through Englewood in Chicago a city where killing happens every second. He is not the President for me.


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