The Ongoing Sick Joke that is Obama

The WSJ has an interesting editorial breakdown of the "savings" cuts announced by the Obama administration: here. They point out, among other things, that since the money is already spent in the $3,500,000,000,000 budget, of which $1,200,000,000,000 of new debt created by more spending than even the optimistic projections of income, the "savings" aren't really savings at all, the money just gets re-allocated from favorite targets of liberals (75% of the cuts by dollar amount are from defense programs) to the favorite pet projects of liberals (more corrupt handouts to political insiders). Ha ha, joke's on you...

But wait, if that's not funny to you, we've got another one. The WSJ article also points out the $230 million in savings comes from spending an extra $890 million. See, you waste another $890 million, and that works out to $290 million in savings... ha ha, right? Joke's on you again...

Still not laughing? Well, how about some perspective: the $16.7 billion in not-really-savings is about the same amount of money Obama wasted keeping Chrysler alive before it went bankrupt, about 50% of the amount he's wasted on keeping the sweet union salaries and benefits going at the failed about-to-go-bankrupt mismanaged disaster that is GM (so far), about 10% of the money wasted on bailing out AIG so far, roughly 3% of the money handed out in the latest "stimulus" pork handout debacle, approximately half the amount that Fannie Mae lost under government direction last quarter alone, roughly 3% of the "downpayment" Obama wasted on the bloated bureaucratic nightmare that socialized medicine would be, or about 0.2% of the amount the Fed has committed in taxpayer obligations to "bail out" the failed gambling debts of the banking industry (under Obama). Slurp it up, brain-damaged retards who are buying any of this monumental BS extruded from the Great Leader of the Obamanation: the fricken joke's on you!


  1. How can anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together not see WTF is happening to our country? This is utter madness, I don't even know where to start. I was just going over the 'memo' from the flyover incident too, this band of jokers is so incompetent and dangerous that it blows my mind. We are witnessing the Venezuelanation of our country - thankyou comrade Chavez, err, I mean Obamanation....


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