House passes enormous waste pork spending bill
Here's a link , there are many others. Normally, I wouldn't quote mundane news stories, but it's not every day that "our" government wastes $825 Billion dollars in payoffs, bribes, handouts, pork, and other corruption disingenuously labeled "stimulus". To put that in perspective, assuming countries tax income equals roughly 20% of their GDP, that makes this wasteful spending package alone the equivalent of spending the entire annual income for a country producing 4.125 Trillion dollars in GDP; such a country would be just behind Japan as the third largest economy in the world. And that's just what we're wasting in new sewage pork waste; that doesn't even count the projected deficit, which is even larger! Anyway, the somewhat humorous quote from the news article is: "We don't have a moment to spare," the president said earlier in the day[, using the same fear mongering tactics and rhetoric Bush used to pass his failed stimulus pa...